(juxtaposition) 2019 Lawsuit Victory document, with 2009 Rice University Petition Letter

(photo of a page, from the Rice University yearbook... ...from '2009' or 2010... ...regarding men's track and field)


8:32 PM (8/12/24):
After just purchasing a sparkling water drink (for hydration-based energization), from Walgreens (in East Orange, NJ)... ...at 8:25 PM, on 8/12/24... ...I had, the following idea:

"In the context of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, part of what it means... ...to 'have fulfillment (in life)'... ...is 'being involved,' in genuinely meaningful... ...activities. Communion with others (at work and/or recreation), is often a recipe... ...for deterring, misery..." - Michael Izuchukwu

communion meaning - Google Search

A triangle, illustrating the concept... of 'Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs'

8:41 PM (8/12/24):
Before today, I had been familiarized with 'self-actualization'... ...as being, the highest level... of fulfillment... ...in the 'above diagram'... ...but apparently, 'transcendence'... ...is a 'subsequent' stage, that can be attained...

8:43 PM (8/12/24):
Not all disciplines in life, are 'heavily compensatory'... ...in the financial sense... ...but work, is often a 'means to an end'... ...and dividends have intrinsic value, if they 'are enduring'... and have thorough applicability...

8:48 PM (8/12/24):

There are many variables that account, for the basis... ...for why some people, seek certain lines... of work... Some people seek, certain lifestyles... ...while others, may already have a desired lifestyle... ...and consequently, have 'altered perception'... ...of the need, for working (regarding 'extensively,' or via a 'particular capacity').

In the generic/elemental sense, work could be defined as 'energy expenditure'...

8:58 PM (8/12/24):

"Idle hands, are the devil's workshop..." - Proverbs 16:27 


"I am the vine and you are the branches; if you remain in me, and I in you... ...you will bear, much fruit. Apart from me, you can do nothing..." - John 15:5 (according to Jesus Christ)

'Doing nothing,' implies idleness... ...which is a slippery slope, for sloth... ...and lack, of productivity... In the bible, sloth (and gluttony)... are of the '7 deadly sins'...

Seven deadly sins - Wikipedia


쿠퍼 & 머피 재회 장면 | 인터스텔라 (Interstellar, 2014) [4K] - YouTube 



12:33 AM (8/12/24): Scene from the 2014 movie 'Interstellar,' where Cooper (played by 'Matthew McConaughey')... ...seems to be 'asymptotically aging'... ...due, to the effects... of 'time dilation'...  (Korean subtitles) 

...a theory of mine, is the following: the way humans process their realities (including their perception of time's flow)... ...impacts, the way... they experience... ...the passage, of time... ...given that time is relative to the observer, but... ...'the observer, is not necessarily as relative... ...to time'...


When you see words, based off 'different alphabets (from your native language/tongue)'... ...they are typically affiliated, with different accents (varied sounds) and different 'geometric shapes'... ...and often, the amount of letters... per each alphabet... ...accounts, for the 'consciousness reading'... ...that can be inferred... ...from the processing, of multiple conversations... ...within that alphabet-based language...

Russian language has 33 letters, Arabic language has 28 letters, English language has 26 letters and Korean language has 24 letters... ...for instance...


3:17 PM (8/12/24):
how many letters are in igbo alphabet - Google Search

Today, I learned for the first time... ...that there are '36' letters, in the Igbo alphabet (which my dad, spoke - although, I never saw my dad... 'write,' in this language)... My dad was fluent in English (written, reading and speaking)... ...and attested, to knowing 'French'... ...via his LinkedIn profile...

who invented igbo language - Google Search

3:25 PM (8/12/24):

The Igbo alphabet
Interestingly, the 36 Igbo letters... 'heavily correlate'... ...to the '26' English letters
(if each letter, was a completely different... geometric shape... ...that, would be 'quite intriguing'... ...to me... ...from the standpoint, of the impact... ...on extrapolated 'consciousness readings')
3:31 PM (8/12/24):
For comparison to the Russian alphabet, see:
The ordering of the letters, in the Igbo language... ...is similar... ...letter-wise... ...to English language... ...but in Russian, the letter 'C' makes an appearance... in position 19... ...which correlates, to 'M' in Igbo.... ...and 'S'... in English...


3:00 PM (8/12/24):
language with least letters - Google Search

My hypothesis, is that because the language of Rotokas (spoken by the people of New Guinea, a country situated near Australia)... ...consists of only 12 letters... ...this may account, for 'low consciousness reading'... ...when multiple conversations, within that language... ...are 'collectively processed (when assessing 'weight of words,' regarding sentences that are strung together... ...and 'derived meaning')'...

rotokas alphabet - Google Search

Via Google:

[ "How many letters are in Rotokas?

Rotokas is believed to have the smallest alphabet of all known languages, with just 12 letters and 11 sounds (two of the 12 letters share one sound). Sep 15, 2021 ] 


[ Orthography. The alphabet is perhaps the smallest in use, with only 12 letters of ISO basic Latin alphabet without any diacritics and ligatures. The letters are A E G I K O P R S T U V. T and S both represent the phoneme /t/, written with S before an I and in the name 'Rotokas', and with T elsewhere. ]

3:11 PM (8/12/24):
"A hypothesis of mine, is that some geometric shapes... ...are more 'efficient,' than others... ...when comparing... contrasting alphabets... ...and this may account, for the difficulty level... ...of learning, a 'particular language'... ...or the literacy rate, of a country... ...governed, by certain... alphabet-based language (s)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

3:48 PM (8/12/24):
Usain Bolt Among Investors Defrauded | TVJ News (youtube.com)

When viewing the beginning of this video, my immediate impression... ...was that when people hear the name 'Usain Bolt'... ...being enunciated... ...there may be a natural presumption, that lightning... ...is about, to strike...

3:59 PM (8/12/24):

Good News Rotokas People/Language Movie Trailer - YouTube (from the YouTube account 'World Language Movies')

Arguably, this video... ...features the language of Rotokas (consisting of '12' letters), spoken... (what can you, infer... ...from the speaker's fluidity?)

4:20 PM (8/12/24):
"One shouldn't dive into oceans, unless one has first... ...waddled, into them..." - Michael Izuchukwu

The 'testing of waters,' is often necessary... ...to deter, unforeseen scenarios...


pandora's box - Google Search


What’s it like when a nanny is taking care of someone else’s child…#movie #film #shorts - YouTube (scene from the 2011 movie 'The Help')



9:22 PM (8/12/24):

In retrospect, when I watched the 'above' video... ...a few times... ...this idea occurred to me:

In the context, of the 'human condition'... ...and the history, of cultural interactions... ...over the centuries... ...from a statistical standpoint (and in the context, of global perspective)... ...people who live in mansions, may be more inclined... ...to be 'alien-minded'... ...than their 'domestically challenged' counterparts... ...regarding their relations, to the contents... ...of their respective dwellings (furniture, appliances and utilities-wise)... ...and their internalizations, of those experiences...



10:56 AM (8/12/24):
"My dad had had '4' heart surgeries, regarding the years 2006, 2010, 2013* and 2018 (9/24/18)... Ailments he had been afflicted with, were 'aortic dissection,' pacemaker installation, numerous medications, myocardial infarction... ...and a pulmonary embolism. Given that he was accustomed, to 'rarely exercising,' I was taken aback... ...by how, he could have sustained... a 'P.E.'... ...since that usually occurs, via one's legs... ...and when an artery, is blocked... by the lungs. P.E.'s are also known, as 'deep vein thrombosis'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

About | Michael Izuchukwu (izzlemicolo5.wixsite.com)


Home | Michael Izuchukwu (izzlemicolo5.wixsite.com)

11:09 AM (8/12/24):

physical education - Google Search ?


8:01 AM (8/12/24): 
Moments ago, I had the following idea:

"Sometimes, we humans... ...are not concerned, about issues... ...until, they are tangible... ...or applicable, to our own lives. This indifference, can be either a blessing... ...or, a curse..." - Michael Izuchukwu
